This conversation explores the conscious and often unconscious money behaviors of women, focusing on the purposes of spending, saving, lending, and borrowing. You would be surprised how we as women make our choices.
Women spend money to reward themselves and others, seeking self-indulgence and self-efficacy.
Saving money is done to secure liquidity, make bigger purchases, and save for social purposes.
Lending money to loved ones is a popular form of investing in social relationships.
Borrowing money is seen as a hindrance to financial independence due to fear of dependency.
The key takeaway is to be conscious of the purpose behind your money behaviors and strive for a balance between securing survival, building self-identity, and engaging in social relations.
00:00 - Introduction and Recap of Money Decisions
03:25 - Exploring the Purpose of Spending Money
11:49 - Understanding the Purpose of Saving Money
14:02 - The Behaviors and Reasons Behind Lending Money
23:57 - The Hindrance of Borrowing Money for Women
30:34 - Balancing Social Relations and Financial Independence
31:43 - Surprise: The Impact of Social Relations on Money Behaviors
Download your free Money Truth Workbook - how to make Sovereign Money Decisions:
Disclaimer: The Lilith Podcast and Money Truth Workbook are intended for informational purposes only. They do not constitute financial advice and are no substitute for professional guidance. The workbook is designed to raise awareness about your unique socio-financial context. Please consult a qualified financial advisor for any financial decisions you make. InAlignment Solutions PTE Ltd assumes no responsibility for decisions made based on the information provided in this podcast or workbook.
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